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4th International Congress on Gerontechnology
November 9 - 12, 2002, Miami Beach, USA Congress Page: http://psy.fsu.edu/~isg/
Integrated Symposium " Domotics and Networking"
Zusammenfassung (Deutsch) Zusammenfassung Das Symposium unterteilt sich in zwei Bereiche. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem heutigen Stand der Technik im Domotik Bereich. Einer allgemeinen Übersicht von Smart Home Konzepten folgt die erste Präsentation. Sie führt ein in die Idee der Vernetzung von Komponenten (z.B. technische Betrachtungen, Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle, Forschung, multidisziplinare und soziale Netzwerke) und beschreibt die Wichtigkeit der Verbesserung und Anpassung der unterschiedlichen Teilbereiche aneinander. Als ein Bespiel für ein multidisziplinares Forschungsnetzwerk im Domotik Bereich wird das deutsche Projekt SENTHA (Seniorengerechte Technik im häuslichen Alltag) beschrieben. Die zweite Präsentation richtet den Fokus auf soziale- und sozio demographische Aspekte mit der Betonung auf ältere und behinderte Menschen. Zum Abschluss wird die Notwendigkeit der Nutzung neuer Technologien für diese Menschen skizziert. Die dritte Präsentation diskutiert die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion (vorwiegend Sprach- und Video basiert) und macht deutlich, das die Qualität der Interaktion starken Einfluss auf die Akzeptanz beim Nutzer hat. Zum Abschluss berichtet die fünfte Präsentation über Notrufsysteme für ältere und behinderte Menschen und die Wichtigkeit für diese Personengruppen. Teil zwei besteht aus einer Beschreibung von Zukunftstechnologien im Domotik Bereich und einer Podiumsdiskussion. Themenbereiche sind selbst adaptierende Komponenten, intelligente Agenten, Wireless LAN, Smart Clothes und Systeme zur Umfeldkontrolle. Das Hauptaugenmerk der Vorträge liegt in der Beschreibung technologischer Innovationen die sich in der Entwicklung befinden. Die folgende Präsentation dient als Gegenstück zur ersten Präsentation und sagt zukünftige soziale Trends und Erwartungen kommender Generationen von Domotik Nutzern voraus. Wir haben uns bemüht die Beiträge kontrovers zu gestalten, um somit das Gespräch mit den Vortragenden zu fördern. Die Abschlussdiskussion mit allen Teilnehmern der verschiedenen Fachgebiete, soll den ersten und zweiten Teil zusammenfassen und vervollständigen sowie diese kritisch kommentieren. Program Summary This symposium is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 concerns today's state of the art in the domotics area. After a general view of smart home (domotics) concepts, the first presentation introduces the idea of networking (e.g. technical, man-machine, research, multidisciplinary and social networks) and describes why it is an important and challenging task to harmonize and integrate these different networks. As an example of an interdisciplinary research network in the domotics area, the German project SENTHA (Seniorengerechte Technik im häuslichen Alltag, Everyday Technology for Senior Households) is described. The second presentation focuses on social and socio-demographic aspects with the accent on the elderly and the disabled. In conclusion, the needs and desires of these ersons for new technology are outlined. The third presentation discusses human-computer nteraction (mainly voice- and video-based) and illustrates that the quality of this interaction strongly influences user acceptance. Finally, the fourth presentation reports on emergency-call systems, which play an extremely important role for seniors and disabled persons. Part 2 consists of a description of future technology in domotics and a panel discussion. Topics incliude elf-adapting components, intelligent agents, WLANs, smart clothes and environment control systems. The main focus of the paper is a description of technological innovations which are still in development and might sound futuristic. The next presentation, which serves as a counterpoise to the first one, predicts future societal trends and the expectations of the next generation of domotics users. We intend to make these presentations controversial and enjoin those attending to take issue with the speakers. The panel discussion, will bring together scientists of different disciplines, will critically comment, complete and summarize the presentations of Part 1 and 2. Abstracts SENTHA - a German research project in the field of domotics and networking A full, safe and healthy life, independent in
self-determination - as long as possible - that is the goal of sentha. Sentha stands for a public
funded research project which aims to work out rules for the design of domotics and services
according to the requirements of the elderly. The multidisciplinary approach brings together 8
research departments with their very different theories, knowledge and methods from engineering,
social sciences, ergonomics and design. What did we learn in the past 5 years?
Smart Home and the Aging User - Trends and Analyses of Consumer Behaviour BIS pursues two-fold goals in its empirical studies on Smart Home, which are conducted regularly: first, to collect data on consumer needs as related to Smart Home applications and second, to understand the acceptance of Smart Home products. The lecture will present results of the latest survey data (2001and 2002) on Smart Home, including both consumer awareness of Smart Home and consumer acceptance of networked systems. Analysis focuses on which particular Smart Home features the user finds most convincing, and which are less relevant. Focus will be the Smart Home Acceptance of different age groups, household types and lifestyle patterns. The presented data are based on an specific approach to the area 'Smart Home' consisting of a match of the variables 'everyday life', 'household type', 'lifestyle', and 'technology biography'. This approach assumes that it is the pressures of everyday life faced by different individuals (across a range of household types) that call forth distinct sets of demands on technologies and services. The data again shows that the user-friendly operation of devices and systems is a decisive factor for the actual acquisition and application by the user, especially by the elderly. The linkage of in-house networks with the information highway is another essential factor. The future of in-house networking continues to stand in direct relation to the development of services for private households. Human-Computer Interaction in a Smart Home Environment Smart home systems are primarily designed for the support of persons in their daily life, above all, they improve comfort, communication, safety and security and energy saving. In general, a smart home system consists of a network which connects control modules like sensors and actuators, visualization units, communication systems, household devices and many others. The heart of the network is a central processor which acts as a general supervisor and this processor is the communication interface to the human user. In our case, the target group are the elderly persons. These persons are normally no computer experts which means that the operation procedures must be extremely simple and, if possible, widely self-explaining. As a second consequence (of our target group), all system components have to be very reliable because in the case of a malfunction these persons cannot perform any repairing work. The scope of our paper is twofold. Firstly, we will present an actual state of the art in smart home devices and networks with a special accent on speech communication systems (speech and speaker recognition, speech synthesis). One example, which is part of our research project, is an ordinary remote control module for operating a tv device but this module has also many other (mainly voice-controlled) functions, for example environment control, entrance control, telephone and video telephone operation and memory functions. Secondly, we will discuss the interface problems between elderly persons and a high tech smart home system. It will be shown that in many cases a voice control is the most natural and easiest operation mode. Emergency call systems (systems based on human bio signals, user adaptation, location-aware systems) Emergency call systems (systems based on human bio signals, user adaptation, location-aware systems). Increasing networking within wide areas of technique enables the application of efficient person emergency call systems. The current state of the art will be pointed out and some available systems will be described. Past systems are usually released by pressing the button of a so-called radio finger. In case of emergency fast and secure help is needed. Particularly older persons with handicaps or persons who had an accident are most often not able to manually release this button. For this reason the automatic detection of a case of emergency is of vital interest. Even multiple vital parameters give no reliable indication. The combination of smart home parameters with vital parameters, however, seems to be the step forward to the secure recognition of a case of emergency. Smart home parameters of a location-aware system may be: activity, consumption of water and electricity, opening or closing of doors as well as the usage of household appliances and consumer electronics. Possibilities by measuring and analyzing suitable parameters are described. These parameters have to be processed by an intelligent, trainable system, which is adapted or is self-adaptable to the individual medical conditions and individual behavior of the user. This should be done in the de-central in-house smart home communication center. Future developments in technology (intelligent agents, smart clothes, scenarios) Rapid advances in electronic and biological technologies are creating new potentials for Domotics. These have the possibility of completely redefining assistive technologies, their role, their effectiveness, and their acceptability. New network and interface standards and product designs are will allow mainstream device control from a wide variety of sources, without custom modification. New interface technologies from voice to direct brain control will provide new access strategies for individuals with severe motor restrictions. Telecommunication advances will allow the transport of support services to any location that an individual may find themselves in. Agent oriented interfaces can allow assisted operation of devices that were beyond the comprehension of many users. This includes both home technologies and technologies faced by users as they venture forth into the environment. Miniaturization and alternate display technologies can make products more convenient and more invisible - making them more acceptable where they are effective. Networked services on demand and 'try harder' features can combine with packet based communication networks to allow users to call up a wide range of services as (and only as) they need them, with an easy escalation path if simpler services fail to be effective. Of particular interest are the technologies that can allow 'Companion' functionality to allow maximum independence for the users, maximum but scalable support services, and minimum monitoring or control. Future Societal Trends and Expectations of the Next-Generation Older Users of Domotics For some years now we have witnessed the development of new technologies which will greatly affect all domains of private and public life and hence, the living conditions of the aging population. New technologies, in particular 'intelligent' household technologies and information and communication technology applications, will provide important opportunities in the fields of prevention, compensation, and enhancement through their potential to facilitate many aspects of daily life like housing, mobility, communication, and learning. These technological advances will at the same time meet new generations of older men and women who will have experienced industrialization and mechanization of the private domain and of working life. They will have acquired different competencies and attitudes in terms of health, autonomy, and lifestyles as compared to the present generations of older people. Against that general background, we will use in this presentation four lines of arguments and questions to highlight the potential and limits of the forthcoming technology trends for future aging populations:
Startseite | Strategie | Struktur | Aktuelles Soziologie | Arbeitswissenschaften | Konstruktionstechnik | Design | Medizintechnik | Kommunikationstechnik | Koordination & Architektur Seniorenbeirat | learning home | smart home | Konferenzen & Workshops letzte Änderung 08.10.02; Seite erstellt von Maik Hampicke |